"The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart."

Monday, March 2, 2009

My Heart is so full

On the news tonight there was a story about a little boy who was in elementary school. On his recess he decided that he would go and play games with the children who have disabilities. This is what he does everyday. To make the story even sweeter he is growing his hair out until 2010 to donate it to locks of love. He says it is hard. He gets made fun of a ton by the other kids but he knows what he is doing is right. I just started to ball. How do I become more like this sweet child who is willing to give up on a ton of things just to help other? How do I teach Zoe to be more like him. I just can't stop crying? I love him so much! He has taught me so much. It just goes to show even someone so small can make such a difference!